Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Three Blogs

The blogs I like are:
Andy Whiteley is a 3D computer graphic artist/ animator who works mainly with modeling, texturing and animation in maya. This is a 3D animation blog represents how stop motion styles can be portrayed using CG animation techniques. I like this blog as it shows how animation has changed and advanced from stop motion to computer animation.
This blog portrays blogs and websites created by artists and animators who work for, or have worked for, Pixar Animations Studios. Not only is this blog Pixar artists, there is a link for Dreamworks artists aswell. I like this blog by the use of colours and sketches that Pixar and Dreamwork artists have produced.
Andreas Deja has spent 30 years at disney and is now focusing on his own animated short films. I like this blog as it shows mostly wildlife illustrations. The traditional 2D drawings of disney characters using different techniques such as linear sketches and animated pencil tests. This blog also shows other animator/artists such as Tim Burton with wire sculptures for stop motion.

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