Sunday 13 November 2011


During Presentations
One thing that should happen during a presentation is to engage the audience with relevate information using interesting examples showing enthusiasm about the topic.
One thing that should not happen during a presentation is to read constantly from notes. This prevents audience interactivity as there is no eye contact with the audience. This also suggests that the reader is not well prepared for the presentation.
One interesting thing I have learned about anthropomorphism that I found out about in the presentations given on Wednesday was how frequently anthropomorphism is used in the media to appeal to a demographic audience. Anthropomorphic characters seem like they are used to appeal to children. But this is not the case anthropomorphism may appeal to an older viewer as well, depending on the personality and life storie of the character. This allows an audience relationship, knowing the characters emotions using body language and facial expressions; to advertise, entertain and educate.

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