Sunday 12 February 2012


I have researched programmes that appeal to children of the ages of 2-5 years.
The preschool programmes that have influence for the 2D cut out designs.

Charlie and Lola

Introduce the characters before the program begins with bright, bold colours to attract and appeal to both child and parent. Characters have simple features with recognisable shapes and colours such as the girls wear pink and red and the boys wear blue and green. Within the program there are comparisons with colours for different objects, which allow children to recognise colours and objects. Charlie and Lola use exaggeration and imagination that would appeal to preschool children to appeal to children of 2-5 years.

Peppa pig

Similar to Charlie and Lola, Peppa pig also introduces the characters at the beginning with bright, bold colours. The background art is simple using a small range of colours such as green and blue to suggest outside, this has a contrast with the pink to make the character stand out. Peppa pig has simple body shapes to suggest between girls and boys the boys have circular bodies whereas the girls have triangular body shapes. Peppa pig uses dialogue for the location and the day before the scene starts.

Meg and mog

Meg and Mog introduce the characters in different bright, bold colours in the background art; this makes the program eye catchy. The white and black contrast with the bright colours in the background this makes the character stand out and appeal to preschool children. The Bubble writing in red contrasts with the blue and yellow making Meg and Mog interesting and different to other programmes. The performance of the character emphasises that they are friendly as well as the colours to engage and appeal to both parent and child. Using single items at once allows children to recognise the items. The colours for the background the capture the focus on the item than the background, this makes the item stand out.

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