Friday 5 October 2012

Matchbox Animation


This was a group project to work in CGI using Maya 3D. Animating a matchstick trying to get back in to the matchbox. The group constisted of Martin, Rupa, Praveen and (Rachel) me. After long hours of thought we decided that our team name should be Ignite.
First we thought of an idea whether the matchstick would manage to get back in the box or not; would it be set of a light. We story boarded individual story boards to begin with and then discussed strengths and weaknesses within the story. We combined all of our stories together and decided we should have the matchbox come alive aswell as the matchstick; making them both characters. The matchbox torments the matchstick.
We decided to split the project in scenes and we all had a scene to animate. After long hours of animating we joined the scenes togeteher. Rupa scene 1, Rachel scene 2, Praveen scene 3, Martin scene 4. This was the first time that we used cameras in Maya.
Discovered interesting camera angles and techniques and that the camera is not animated only the character.
Our final animation of the matchbox after many attempts to get a little bit of perfection with the matchstick and box motion along with the camera angles. Overall I thought the project went well considering this was our first main Maya project.
Sadly I can't upload the Matchbox Animation, but you can click the link below:

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