Saturday 6 October 2012

Pirates of the Caribbean Analysis

Over the summer I designed ten opposite characters. I started with researching historical opposite characters and decided to base the research on 18th century. I came across piracy and related the project to Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl. Which had a big influence on the conept of the characters; especially with the costumes.
All of my characters are human so they are based on reality between pirates and Royal Navy/ army. But I have changed the names to my characters which can make the story a little bit different to what really happened and not all fact. Creating the same impact between pirates and Royal Navy/ army. Whilst researching the piracy era. I found that history was a big influence for Pirates of the Caribbean as they had kept many of the characters names the same. I have given names for all my characters that were popular in the 18th century era.
The facial expression and body language that I have drawn show the characters personality and give hints to how that would react in an animation. The hardest part is to choose two out of my ten characters to create a story and animate.
I analysed 30 seconds of this clip. The part I analysed was after Barbossa kicks Jack to the ground as this shows a live action animation as Jack as a skeleton and both Jack and Barbossa do not realise he has been cursed as well.
This shows the conflict between the two characters as Barbossa knows he can not be killed. Jack attempts by stabbing him. But when Jack is shocked, confused and curious about the curse. Barbossa retaliates and stabs jack and the impact of Jack facial expresson body language is like he is going to die. As Barbossa grins this also has an impact that he belives as well that he has defeated Jack. Until Jack steps back in to the light and that is when we see that they are both immortal.     

At the begining of what I anaylsed in this clip Barbossa is arrogant and knows he can not die by throwing his sword to the ground after kicking Jack. But we only see he in the flesh so he looks mortal. The camera shot of medium close up of Jack from a high angle so the amera is looking down at Jk from Barbossa's point of veiw symbolised the Barbossa is the more dominate than Jack.
As Jack quickly stands to attempt to stab Barbossa he leaves the shot suggesting that Barbossa will not die. When Jack does his attempt at killing him it shows that Barbossa is immortal and can not die. Barbossa looks down at the sword knowing that he will not die, maybe hopes that he is not immortal, as he has been cursed for a long time.    
The tilt of Barbossa's head suggests that he is bored of being stabbed and knowing that he can not die . The lighting in this scene is a dark contrast surround Barbossa symbolising death.
Another medium close up of Jack's expression of shock and curiosity to why Barbossa doesn't die after being stabbed.   
After Jack's attempt at stabbing Barbossa. Barbossa turns the blade of the sword and stabs Jack. Jack has not be delared that he is immortal just yet until we see him in the light. By his body language and facial expressions he himself believes that he will die, which also make Barbossa believe that Jack can die suggested by the grin of Barbossa's face.
The camera uses a low angle shot of the two characters which sets the scene with darkness and the light that is peering through the cave create an important sign in this scene. While Jack is stepped backwards in to the light, Barbossa remains in the centre of the shot, remaining in the darkness as he watch Jack with his sword in his chest.
The medium close up of Barbossa's expression of shock and confusion to how Jack got cursed and Barbossa realised Jack can not die as well. This creates a reverse in the situation of conflict that Jack seemed to be mortal.
Once again, the long shot of the two character with Barbossa centred in the scene makes the focus on Jack as a skeleton, standing in the light and Barbossa still in the darkness. The colours palette from Jack even when he has been cursed still look like he has life. Unlike Barbossa with dark, dull colours.This suggests life and death, mortality and immortality between the characters. The camera shot of the two characters also separate human and the undead. This shot can create a reverse we saw Barbossa as the undead one at the beginning and Jack as the alive one. This shot can give a sense of reverse that Jack is now dead and Barbossa is alive.
Barbossa being arrogant that he was immortal; he can not be beaten at the beginning of the clip. Until the end of the clip where Barbossa realises with confusion and shock that he can not defeat Jack, as  he is immortal aswell. Jack discovers himself to be cursed, but finds it interesting and seems to enjoy been cursed, a bit more than he should. The facial expression and body language from Jack as he raises his arm to look with trhe light surrounding him. Whereas Barbossa despises the curse as he 'has been cursed for too long.' This show with the medium close up of Babbossa expression of sock and confusion neither one of them realised that they were both cursed. Only Barbossa knew that he was cursed before Jack stabbed him. This allows Jack and the audience to see that Barbossa was cursed and can not die.       


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